As parents we want our children to have fun - but stay safe too!
July 4,2016
U.S Trafficking in Persons Report 2016
Myanmar, Sudan and Haiti are currently among the worst offenders for human trafficking, according to a new report published today by the U.S.
June 30,2016
Violence Against Children : Abduction
Legal definitions of abduction vary from country to country.
June 30,2016
Deprivation : A form of Violence against Children
Deprivation may be defined as a “state of observable and demonstrable disadvantage relative to the local community or the wider society or nation to which an individua
June 30,2016
Violence Against Children: Domestic Violence
Domestic violence most commonly refers to physical and emotional abuse used by one person in a (romantic) relationship against the other.
June 30,2016
Harm Reduction: Children and Drug Use
Today, the 'war on drugs' has become an acceptable part of global political rhetoric, and often warrants special mention on election manifestos for parties from across
June 30,2016
Form of Violence against Children: Death Penalty for Juveniles
Imposing the death penalty on people under the age of 18 is forbidden by international law. Article 37 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child says States Parties
June 30,2016
Violence Agaisnt Children: Hazardous child labour
Hazardous child labour is defined by Article 3 (d) of the 1999 International Labour Organisation (ILO) Convention concerning the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Chil
June 30,2016
What is Extra-judicial executions of children?
The Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions explains that the term “extra-judicial executions is used to refer to executions other than th
June 30,2016
Gangs: an important factor in violence among and against children
According to the UN Study on Violence Against Children, “gangs are an important factor in violence among and against children in many parts of the world.”