Characteristics of a Rights-Based, Child-Friendly School
July 25,2016
Progress in expanding access to education has stalled
Progress in expanding access to education has stalled.
April 20,2016
Education: a fundamental and universal right
Education is an essential right, which permits each person to receive instruction and to blossom socially.
April 20,2016
The right to life: an essential right for all human beings
The right to life is a universally recognized right for all human beings. It is a fundamental right which governs all other existing rights.
March 22,2016
The Effects of the Physical Environment on Children’s Development
Cornell University environmental and developmental psychologist Gary Evans has conducted numerous research studies examining the effects of the physical environment on children’s well-being.
February 10,2015
Key data on education in Europe 2012
The key data report shows that structural and organizsational reforms to education systems have been impemented with a view to reducing early school leaving rates.
February 10,2015
Prevalence and trends of stunting among pre-school children, 1990-2020
This paper quantify the revalence and trends of stunting among children using the W.H.O. growth standards.
February 7,2015
Facilitating Transitions for Children and Yourh
The goal of this study , is to draw lessons about the specific issues pertaining to the needs of the critical demographic.
January 8,2015
Integrating refugee and asylum-Seeking children in the educational systems of EU member states
This handbook present an innovative methodology for mirror evaluations and impact assessments aimed to identify key transferability conditions and parameters to facili