UNICEF shares the concerns demonstrated by national authorities of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and relevant social sectors about the consequences of the current circumstances for children and adolescents in the country. Likewise, UNICEF recognizes the efforts of the different branches of the State as well as the appeals of institutions and important sectors of civil society for the full protection of children and adolescents in the current context.
UNICEF joins the UN Secretary General´s call for a dialogue between the sectors able to bring meaningful and practical solutions to society, and welcomes the integration of new actors to facilitate such a process.
UNICEF calls for any dialogue, as well as any action of the State and of society, to have the best interest of the child and the absolute priority of children at its core.
UNICEF, within the framework of the agreements signed with the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, continues to implement the agreed programme that includes cooperation in the areas of health, nutrition, education and protection.
Source: UNICEF