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Support at home and in school tied to resilience in child refugees

 Refugee kids may fare better in their new country when they have support from a variety of people at home, in school and in their community, a small Australian study suggests.


Yemen cholera to spread with rains; Oxfam sees 600,000 cases

Yemen's cholera outbreak is far from being controlled and may be further exacerbated by the rainy season, even if the rate of new cases appears to be slowing in some hotspots, the...


Hopes for HIV cure revived by African child in remission

A South African child born with HIV has surprised experts by appearing to be effectively cured of the AIDS virus after just a year of treatment followed by eight and a half years...


Parents often make follow-up care mistakes after kids leave hospital

When sick kids leave the hospital, parents often don’t understand what follow-up care is needed or how to give children medicine at home, a research review suggests.


Slight drop in measles vaccinations could triple infections in U.S. kids

 Just a 5 percent decline in measles vaccination rates could triple the number of young children who get infected with the virus in the U.S., according to a study highlighting the...


Mothers who breastfeed might have lower multiple sclerosis risk

Women who breastfeed may have a lower risk of developing multiple sclerosis later in life compared to mothers who don’t nurse their infants, a recent U.S. study suggests.


Parents of Charlie Gard, hospital to discuss how to let him die - lawyer

 The parents of terminally ill British baby Charlie Gard will hold discussions with his London hospital about how he should be allowed to die, their lawyer Grant Armstrong said on...


With climate change driving child marriage risks, Bangladesh fights back

Climate change-driven extreme weather - from flooding and mudslides to blistering heat - is accelerating migration to Bangladesh's cities, raising the risks of problems such as...


Late check-in, no luggage, child in tow - signs of slavery?

 Adult guests who check in with a child, repeat cash bookings or late check-ins without luggage could all be signs of modern slavery under guidance newly issued to staff at a...


India needs new ways to fight scourge of child marriage: report

India must campaign on social media, rewrite text books and engage its young men if it is to tackle child marriage in a country where nearly half of females wed before the legal age...


Sexual violence in Haiti is a public health problem: charity

Rampant sexual violence in Haiti against women and children, including some toddlers, should be treated as a public health issue and more care made available for survivors, the...


South Sudan: UN agency scales up cholera response with 500,000 doses of oral vaccine

The United Nations health agency is scaling up cholera response in South Sudan, where 17,785 cases, including 320 deaths, have been reported since the outbreak in June 2106.


Cost of feeding hungry world surging due to conflicts and instability – UN agency

Improved aid access, strengthened resilience and advances in food system networks could provide as much as $3.5 billion in annual cost savings at a time when humanitarian needs are...


UNICEF Goodwill Ambassadors sing to ban child marriage

Singer Angélique Kidjo and eight of Benin's other music artists are urging parents to not marry off their young daughters in a new music video created by the United Nations Children...


Health services, especially vaccines, must ‘reach the unreached,’ stress UN agencies

 Globally, nearly 13 million infants – almost one in ten – did not receive any vaccinations last year, putting them at serious risk of potentially fatal diseases, the United Nations...

